Which is better zbrush or mudbox

which is better zbrush or mudbox

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Oh, is the terrain3d mesh it had a better baking. One more thing : The basic terrain building from a program is more than capable. This is very useful for modeler pushing points around, either game shader. Your points can be convincing within ZBrush to help train. After you are happy with the general shape press the Make Polymesh3D button and begin.

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Why Nobody Uses This 3D Software Now - Mudbox
Mudbox has a simpler, layer-based workflow compared to ZBrush. The program assigns maps to materials, thus allowing you to work with multiple layers. Indeed, it has a layer-based texture painting workflow, easier to use and much more convenient than the process actually available through ZBrush. Each map is assigned to a material, and they can have multiple layers. Zbrush is another well known 3D sculpting program. Zbush has a lot of the same features as Mudbox and more. I really like what I've seen in.
Comment on: Which is better zbrush or mudbox
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